about me

I am a mother, artist, dancer, yogini, teacher and lover of this beautiful life. I have been a practitioner of yoga, meditation, energy medicine, astrology and creative movement for over 25 years. I have a deep curiosity and love of exploring consciousness through our form and formlessness. My background includes various energetic, touch and movement modalities. I have studied and continue to participate in a wide range of embodied explorations that include awakening, non-duality, meditation, Contact Improvisation, Authentic Movement, BodyMind Centering, Continuum, Tai Chi and many years of Ecstatic Dance. My background has been deeply enriched with studies in Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy and Polarity Therapy at Tree of Life Center. I am also currently in the process of becoming a Registered Polarity Educator.  These comprehensive modalities understand the body as consciousness and are a fundamental support in the work that I do. My studies in Germanic Healing Knowledge also inform my work and continued learning. In addition, I am a Reiki Master Teacher and have practiced energy medicine for many years.  I have completed a program in Quantum Energy Medicine, which bridges the latest neuroscience with the healing process. Currently, I am studying at the Brooke Institute to further deepen my specialization in working with pre-cognitive trauma and embodiment. I feel so honored to work with clients and families that are working through CPTSD, birth trauma, adoption and early attachment imprints and more!

The journey of embodiment is difficult to translate in words as it is not a 'doing' experience. It is best discovered through a direct, cellular experience of Being, which is always occurring Now. Deeply knowing and understanding the essence of our True Nature that we all share allows a deep relaxation in the body-mind continuum. Resolution of the core wounds allow Dynamic Stillness and the Pure Breath of Love to emerge through the heart into embodied cellular consciousness.

Understanding the Truth that you are brings forth effortless healing and harmony. I would love to be present with you as a support in the unfolding of your healing and awakening journey. The process invites us to open up to each now moment, and to be willing to investigate ourselves with sincerity.

It is my intention to meet you exactly where you are. I will offer embodied presence and support for your experiential discovery. You are invited to explore any aspect of your Being, body or world. I will deeply honor and attune to the innate wisdom and essence that you are. Your inherant treatment plan is the guide for this work.

Being fully present for yourself and finding the courage in your heart to open up to new possibilities allows space for a deep recognition of the Awareness that you are. As this realization deepens through embodiment of this fundamental consciousness and resolution of the core wound; Life unfolds effortlessly with Grace. All healing occurs in Present Time through the Body. Allow yourself to remember the Wholeness that you are!

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome HOME~